Monday, January 11, 2010


Confused ...A life khichdi

Everyone is bounded by some relationship or matters, which is somehow responsible for degradation in the performance, But if we try to overcome (get out of ) these bounds then there is a significant effect on your existence. So finally we can say that we are bounded by the bonds of existence.Who r u? What’s your identity?
Try to understand that you are here in this world because of others , that’s how you are originated So your first breath in this world is itself bounded by two persons so called your parents, and your birth itself is bounded by mother and father...
I just want to say that have to respect your parents , just think of it that u r nothing never be an egoist , In this world many of us are proud of our parental property and behave like king this is not good what i think ...
Many of us have worked hard and reached to a top position then they have Attitude , and every one have to have Attitude because" Attitude shows your Experience"... so finally
you have to work with honesty and meet your expectation …that'sit

Everyone has his own limits but he doen’t know hi s limits until hi skills have been tested never say “ it’d very easy, I can do it in seconds, unless you have tried to do it,

As we all know that human being uses atmost 10% of his brain ? while he can do m uch more, only need to know what you have and what are your resources,You just need to find out them all and the first task is to look within yourself.

when we face danger, our skills increases rapidly then you can differently, quickley and make descisions at that time your all senses works according to you. It shows that we are capable to act much more thaen we think in this world if you want to grow then you not only have to think but also along with thinking you have to start working (acting);

if it comes on acting then there are two factors which affects your performance is

1) fear 2) laziness

another thing in that some of us are not afraid but that's good , and to having fear of anything or anyone because these peoples aren’t bothered they are proud of themselves and they think at many time that "I am what I'm" and this type of questions were raised in their mind

So what I’m week

So what I’m sot using my abilities to their best

These question cann’t never be answered but think for a while if everyone starts asking you the same question how will you feel?

If you have to ask yourself than test this if your grocer yells

So what I’m hungry, thirsty

So what your home his dirty

So what I’m poor

Just put these question amoungs you then simply you strt thinking “what if”what If always leads the so what clause”

The thing that’s worse than quitting or failing is being complacent.

Beliving that you are weak and that’s all you are capable of when you start to say” this the way I’m there is noting I can do about it” this is the impasse point no one can help you in this situation even the skills that you he mastered will be waste with such an atitute

“Believe in yourself then only you can expect others to believe in you”


  1. This one is really good sir
    thoughts of an original mind are portrayed in a very beautiful manner

  2. hmmmmm Believe in yourself then only you can expect others to believe in you hmmmm

  3. nice philosophy...always intresting to read and think about
    keep this good work up



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